Thursday, November 7, 2013

OOMM - Live Interview with Sharon Draper (previously recorded)

Today was an AMAZING day for my class!  We watched a live interview with Sharon Draper, author of Out of My Mind.  She answered questions from teachers and students that were posted on Twitter and other various resources.  She captures my students' attention to the point that they even asked to eat their lunches in the classroom so they did not miss the last fifteen minutes.  This was the best culminating activity for a book that I have ever experienced.  The Global Read Aloud has helped my students absolutely fall in love with reading.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

OOMM Resource - Video Clip About Jason Benetti

Here is a story about a sports announcer with a mild case of cerebral palsy.  His story is inspiring and will help students better understand that disabilities do not determine a person's value or their success.  My students enjoyed this short clip!