Thursday, October 3, 2013

Digital Storytelling Project Draft

Creating this digital storytelling project was so much fun!  I LOVED experimenting with the different features of iMovie.  I love the power of photos and music.  I've had a Mac for awhile now and never realized just how much I can create with it!  My grade level partners were just as excited about the end product.  I spend a lot of time working on this draft, but I feel as though I could have continued working on it for days!  I made a few awkward pauses and errors while recording my voice, but they were minor.  The hardest part was listening to my voice; I should have let my husband narrate the project!

I can't wait to create more of these projects to share with my students.  This particular digital story with be shared with the fourth graders at my school to introduce Martin Luther King, Jr. and launch our unit on historical peacemakers later in the school year.  I would also like create one for Sir Isaac Newton (forces and motion unit) and I'd like to create an end of the year movie for my students to remember fourth grade.  The possibilities are endless!


  1. Great job! I remember trying to explain and teach fourth graders about such a pitiful and injustice time and they could not conceive the issues. They could not imagine a world of separation and inequalities. Your video is a perfect overview of the basics for their grade level. I especially appreciate the moment his speech comes in. Very powerful. No wonder why your colleagues were excited. Your students, along with all the fourth grade students will enjoy tremendously. Congrats to you!

  2. Very cool. I plan to launch project like this with my 2nd graders soon.

  3. Very impressive Taylor! What a powerful introduction for your students. When I first discovered Movie Maker, I couldn't believe how simple it is to create power digital stories. I feel that if more teachers were aware of programs like Movie Maker and iMovie they would be used a lot more in the classroom, creating effective and engaging lessons for students!
