Thursday, November 7, 2013

OOMM - Live Interview with Sharon Draper (previously recorded)

Today was an AMAZING day for my class!  We watched a live interview with Sharon Draper, author of Out of My Mind.  She answered questions from teachers and students that were posted on Twitter and other various resources.  She captures my students' attention to the point that they even asked to eat their lunches in the classroom so they did not miss the last fifteen minutes.  This was the best culminating activity for a book that I have ever experienced.  The Global Read Aloud has helped my students absolutely fall in love with reading.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

OOMM Resource - Video Clip About Jason Benetti

Here is a story about a sports announcer with a mild case of cerebral palsy.  His story is inspiring and will help students better understand that disabilities do not determine a person's value or their success.  My students enjoyed this short clip!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Mystery Number Skype - South Carolina

We had a wonderful Mystery Number Skype on Thursday, October 24th!  We were able to successfully complete two rounds and everyone had a BLAST!  Check out a video of our Skype session from our fourth grade friends in South Carolina!

Mystery Number Skype Connecticut from K Tripp on Vimeo.

Monday, October 21, 2013

OOMM Resources

This site offers great resources to share with students while reading Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Urban Fitness Challenge 10/27/2013

As educators, we often donate to a multitude of charities.  Every so often one really speaks to us.  In my case, I am committed to raising as much money as possible for The Boys and Girls Club of Hartford.  The organization does so much for youth in Hartford (see below for more information).

This Sunday, I will be participating in an Urban Fitness Challenge to benefit this organization.  I have prepared for the event tirelessly over the past few months with my husband.  The event requires participants to flip huge tires, lug around PVC pipes filled with water, carry sandbags, in addition to a variety of other physically challenging tasks.  All of this will take place on the football field at Trinity College in Hartford this upcoming Sunday.

If you are interested in supporting my efforts to raise money for this cause, please comment on this blog post or send me an email and I will forward you my personal page for the upcoming event.  I appreciate any and all donations! No amount is too small.  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! :-)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Literacy Project

Here are some student samples from my literacy project.  My students created Wordles to accompany their descriptions of main characters in Out of My Mind.  We were focusing on using quality character traits and then we worked on characters sketches.  The first part of their blog posts are detailed descriptions of the character they selected and the second part was to create a Wordle to offer a quick snapshot of the character.  They did an amazing job!!  The feedback they gave me was fantastic because they loved creating Wordles and it inspired them to write more in their written responses.

You can view our class blog @ - feel free to leave comments on their work!

Just for Fun...

Friday, October 11, 2013

EDUC 584 Overview

Without question, this course has forever changed me as an educator! In this post, you will read about my thoughts using different tools over the past eight weeks. I am also including a sample of two new resources that I experimented with this weekend - Wordle and GoAnimate (above).

Google Docs has made me much more efficient!  I love how easy it is to collaborate and share information with others in a “live” document.  I use them mostly with my school librarian at this point.  We are working on Edmodo together and we use Google Docs to create rubrics, quizzes, and comprehension questions from home.  I find that I save time using Google Docs because I do not have to set aside time to meet with her or make copies.  We leave each other comments and simply get to work on our own time.  I have also shared Google Docs with my husband for our business.  We can connect much easier with our main employee who lives in Kentucky.  She shares proposals with us and I can immediately edit her work and leave comments about my changes.  I will certainly continue to use Google Docs in the future!

Blogging has also been a highlight of this course.  I find myself wanted to post articles and video clips all the time.  I wish I had more time to dedicate to my personal blog, but I will continue to update it regularly after this course.  My most exciting moment was when one of my Twitter followers left a comment on my digital storytelling post.  I was thrilled!  I also love how simple it is to create posts.  I find that many sites have the option to add straight to Twitter or Blogger.  My students like seeing my blog because it gives them purpose for working on theirs.  They love seeing how easy it is to showcase their learning and thoughts for others to see and comment on periodically.  When I created a blog as undergraduate, I enjoyed the project but did not continue with it because it was not as meaningful.  Being a teacher now, I see the value in maintaining a blog and look forward to doing so.

Of all the projects and experiences, the wiki was my least favorite.  I am drawn to gadgets, fonts, styles, etc., so the wiki was not as glamorous as I would have liked.  I understand its purpose is to be a vehicle for information and resources, but I had trouble getting into the project itself I see the value of creating wikis and I am sure I will at some point in the future, but I am less likely to use it compared to the other resources I have learned about and experimented with in this course.

With my students, I absolutely love using KidBlog.  We are using it regularly in and out of the classroom.  I have students begging me to update their post drafts and to comment from home, which is a teacher’s dream.  My students are 100% actively engaged and they are truly enjoying collaborating with others in our classroom and beyond.  Their parents are starting to get into it as well and have left a few comments for their child’s posts.  I hope to use this as a tool to regularly update parents about what is happening in our classroom as well.  For example, we won a pizza party for returning the most summer reading logs, so I will be posting information about the party on KidBlog.  My hope is that parents will comment and share what they would like to contribute (napkins, plates, etc.).  Each person will be able to see what others have signed up for, which will ensure that I do not receive duplicates of anything.  I love the immediate classroom-home connection that KidBlog fosters.

Another tool that I love and will continue to use with my students is Edmodo.  As mentioned earlier, I have collaborated with my librarian and we will be using Edmodo to connect all of the fourth grade teachers on my team.  I have been meeting with them to help them better understand how to use Edmodo.  I think it is important to share my new knowledge with others.  My principal has asked me to teach her how to use it as well because she has wanted to learn for some time now.  Also, using KidBlog and Edmodo is a great way for me to collect data for my students in the RTI process.  The special education teacher at my school likes to read what her students post as well.  I have showed her how to use these resources since technology should be used as a modification for students with special needs.

One other tool that I will continue to use without question is Skype.  My class is obsessed with Mystery Skypes now that we have successfully completed one.  They are constantly begging me to schedule more; I have three more on the calendar and I am working to connect with other teachers to schedule more dates.
Finally, Twitter has been an invaluable resource.  I am adding more and more wonderful professionals that I am learning from daily.  There are so many ideas, websites, links, etc. shared every minute and I cannot get enough!  I love connecting with others and I find this is the quickest, easiest way to find people for Mystery Skypes.  I like the direct message feature the most.  Twitter has opened many doors for me and my students love hearing updates.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Overcoming Obstacles - Steven Claunch

I found this clip on Edmodo while connecting with other teachers about the Global Read Aloud.  This an extremely motivating video clip!  Steven Claunch, a basketball player, describes his experiences overcoming personal and physical obstacles.  He emphasizes the fact that all people have their own personal challenges, but encourages everyone to focus on working hard to persevere.  I will sharing this with my class this afternoon!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Digital Storytelling Project is Complete!

After careful revision and editing, I am proud to present the final copy of my digital storytelling project!  It certainly isn't perfect, but I am thrilled with the outcome!  I feel much more proficient with iMovie and I look forward to creating more stories for my students.  Look for future uploads!

In the News - A Community Comes Together

While sifting through all of the wonderful posts on Edmodo and Twitter about this year's Global Read Aloud, I discover the link below.  The article/news clip features a woman with cerebral palsy who uses a revolutionary device to help her communicate.  I would like to share this with my students to give them yet another perspective of what life can be like with CP.  My students are so open and willing to learn about others - they are truly amazing kids.  Books like Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper will help shape my students into empathetic and understanding individuals!

Woman with cerebral palsy thanks community for giving her a voice | CTV Atlantic News

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Digital Storytelling Project Draft

Creating this digital storytelling project was so much fun!  I LOVED experimenting with the different features of iMovie.  I love the power of photos and music.  I've had a Mac for awhile now and never realized just how much I can create with it!  My grade level partners were just as excited about the end product.  I spend a lot of time working on this draft, but I feel as though I could have continued working on it for days!  I made a few awkward pauses and errors while recording my voice, but they were minor.  The hardest part was listening to my voice; I should have let my husband narrate the project!

I can't wait to create more of these projects to share with my students.  This particular digital story with be shared with the fourth graders at my school to introduce Martin Luther King, Jr. and launch our unit on historical peacemakers later in the school year.  I would also like create one for Sir Isaac Newton (forces and motion unit) and I'd like to create an end of the year movie for my students to remember fourth grade.  The possibilities are endless!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Charisse's Story - Life Journey with Cerebral Palsy

 As part of the Global Read Aloud (#GRA13), my class and I are reading @sharonmdraper 's Out of My Mind.  The kids are obsessed!!!  While reading some posts on Twitter, I discovered the video clip above to help students better understand life with cerebral palsy.  My students were glued to the screen for every second of the 17 minute movie.  They felt a variety of emotions and were so inspired by Charisse's story.  They spent a LONG time reflecting in their journals.  This clip helped bring Melody's character alive and gave my class a new perspective.  I recommend showing this to your classes if you are also reading Out of My Mind!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Study Music Project

During writing and throughout various parts of the day, my students ask me to play music because it seems to help them focus.  I use clips from the Study Music Project, such as the one above, regularly.  I also added several clips to my class website so students can listen to the music at home while doing homework.  I definitely recommended using this in your classroom as well!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Edmodo Collaboration

Recently, the librarian at my school and I decided to create an Edmodo site to help students reflect and respond to the Nutmeg book nominees for this year.  We are asking students to read five of the ten books.  They are can read independently, with a parent and another adult, or the book can be a classroom read aloud.  We have been using Google Docs to draft and edit permission slips and notes to parents.  Using Google Docs has saved us so much time because we can work from home when it's convenient rather than meeting before or after school!  I feel extra motivated to work on this project because I am enjoying collaborating with her.  The other fourth grade teachers are going to join in on this project as well.  I love that parents will be able to read our posts because they will be able to see how we are effectively incorporating technology to support literacy instruction.  More importantly, the students are excited to read the books and to get started on Edmodo!!
Below are the appropriate standards for digital age teaching that are linked to my Edmodo collaboration with the librarian at my school.
3.  Model Digital Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
a.  Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfew of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
b.  Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support students success and innovation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Presenting... My Animoto Project!

This course has helped me better understand just how powerful and effective technology can be in the classroom. I feel invigorated and excited to introduce my Animotos (and other new skills) to my students.  I love the power of words and images; I find my mind constantly buzzing with ideas when reading what other educators are doing in their classrooms and how I can integrate these ideas into my own classroom.   I see myself continuing using technology as often as possible and hopefullythis will lead to more collaborating grade level partners.  As for my skills in general, I am finding that simply experimenting with the progams presented in class has been most beneficial. I learn by doing and I am getting better every day!  This is a whole new chapter in my teaching career!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dot Day is on the Way!

After reading Rachel's post entitled International Dot Day, I remembered that Dot Day is right around the corner!  I have been reading countless posts from the people I follow on Twitter on Dot Day, but I realized after reading her post that I hadn't signed up or read the Dot Day handbook.  After signing up my classroom, I was able to download the Educator's handbook and read it carefully.  I am getting very excited to participate for the first time this year!  :)

For anyone who follows other teachers and librarians on Twitter, make sure to check out #dotday to see how people are showing their enthusiasm for International Dot Day! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Finding Copyright Friendly Images

My main concern for the Animoto project was using copyright friendly photographs.  I did a little research and stumbled upon this short tutorial on YouTube.  The clip is just over two minutes and breaks down the process of finding and downloading copyright friendly images from Flickr.  After watching the steps described in this video clip, I was able to easily locate high quality images to use for my Animoto project.

I also discovered this website for teachers to use to find high quality pictures.  I like that you are able to type in the kind of picture you need in the search box and find many pictures.  Most pictures are relevant, but bear in mind that some are not very helpful!

One more site I found is a search display for free photos.  According to this website, "These come from many sources and are license-specific. You can view a photo's license by clicking on the license icon, below and left of photos."  I recommend checking out the license to be sure that you can use the photo.

Though I am not an expert at finding photos, I am feeling much more comfortable knowing that I am not (intentionally!) breaking any copyrights laws and that I am more mindful of looking in the right places!

Please feel free comment if you know of any websites that are easy to use and offer photographs that can be used for educational purposes!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Very First Animoto!

Though this is far from perfect, this is my first attempt at creating an Animoto.  My students were thrilled with this as an introduction to our class novel.  I was nervous to show it because Animoto is so new to me, but they surprisingly asked me to play it several times.  I am excited to continue creating Animoto presentations because my students love it!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Skyping to Discover

While poking through the sample blogs, I discovered one that really inspired me!  The teacher uses Skype to connect with other classrooms across the country, but refers to it as a "Mystery Skype."  The two connected classes have to give clues to one another to figure out which states they are from by sharing facts and fun trivia.  I LOVE this idea because we study regions in the United States and I would like to connect with classrooms in each region rather than simply studying from our sorely outdated textbooks.  Using Skype would make this unit extra exciting!!!

Click here to check out Mrs. Alaniz's Class Blog!

Growing Up Online

"Growing Up Online"

Click on the title of this post to view an extremely powerful and eye-opening website. This FRONTLINE video/article is called "Growing Up Online." You can watch the entire program from the website - I strongly suggest watching at least a few clips! The focus of this website is to clue in adults about the silent world that young adults and children are creating online and with other technology, such as text messaging. I was absolutely fascinated by the video clips and recommend watching them a few times to really let the message sink in about virtual societies.

According to the website, the film "takes viewers inside the private worlds that kids are creating online, raising important questions about how the Internet is transforming the experience of adolescence. At school, teachers are trying to figure out how to reach a generation that no longer reads books or newspapers. Fear of online predators has led teachers and parents to focus primarily on keeping kids safe online. But many young people think these fears are misplaced. Online media has also intensified the social dimensions of adolescence as teens create and play with identities on sites like MySpace and Facebook and encounter intense peer pressure in a variety of virtual worlds. Parents are confused about how to respond to the increasingly private worlds inhabited by their children, lacking an understanding of both the creative potential and the genuine risks of this new dimension of our cultural environment."

I believe as educators that it is our responsibility to be current with issues such as the untouched virtual world of students today. There is a very helpful section on the website for educators, which is complete with suggested lesson plans and more in depth analysis of internet use in different settings (i.e. home, school, etc.). Read this section and let me know if it helps you at all!

Here are some questions that I have and I would love to hear your thoughts/opinions:

-What are some ways to protect students while online?
-How can parents tap into this private tech savvy generation?
-Should parents and teachers collaborate to help control online environments?
-When is a parent or teacher overstepping their boundaries?
-What are some implications of being so dependent on technology?

I believe this is an overwhelming issue for teachers because our students will be greatly affected. For example, the website mentions cyber-bullying and how it is even more problematic than traditional in-school bullying. This website will help us start thinking proactively about issues and scenarios that we encounter in schools.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Fresh Start

One of the greatest parts of being a teacher is starting fresh each and every school year.  Few other professions allow people hit the "refresh" button as we do as educators.  The end of August marks a new chapter as I redecorate my classroom, finish reading inspirational books, and put the final touches on my plans for the new school year.  At this point, I feel reenergized, motivated, and very ready to get back into a schedule.

Naturally, I have my reservations about diving head first back into work and another year of grad school, but my outlook is positive and I am ready to tackle the year one day at a time.  We are halfway done with our grad program, which is motivating in itself.  I have a wonderful group of students and a very helpful paraprofessional.