Friday, September 13, 2013

Finding Copyright Friendly Images

My main concern for the Animoto project was using copyright friendly photographs.  I did a little research and stumbled upon this short tutorial on YouTube.  The clip is just over two minutes and breaks down the process of finding and downloading copyright friendly images from Flickr.  After watching the steps described in this video clip, I was able to easily locate high quality images to use for my Animoto project.

I also discovered this website for teachers to use to find high quality pictures.  I like that you are able to type in the kind of picture you need in the search box and find many pictures.  Most pictures are relevant, but bear in mind that some are not very helpful!

One more site I found is a search display for free photos.  According to this website, "These come from many sources and are license-specific. You can view a photo's license by clicking on the license icon, below and left of photos."  I recommend checking out the license to be sure that you can use the photo.

Though I am not an expert at finding photos, I am feeling much more comfortable knowing that I am not (intentionally!) breaking any copyrights laws and that I am more mindful of looking in the right places!

Please feel free comment if you know of any websites that are easy to use and offer photographs that can be used for educational purposes!


  1. Flickr remains my favorite place to find photos that others have marked as free to use. Flickr changed the look of its site not long ago, making it easier to use. Perhaps, we need a demo in class though to show how to find free to use photos on the Flickr and how to acknowledge the photographers who have contributed. I also like to collect photos on the site and store them in collections by category, so I can go back later and find ones that I liked and might want to use. You need a Flickr account to store these, but searching on Flickr for photos with a Creative Commons license of free to use does not require an account.

  2. As I was searching this week for pictures for my digital story your blog was helpful. Thanks Taylor.
